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Union Official Records

1 through 46

Red River Campaign
Union Official Records 47 through 92

Col. John Scott

32nd Iowa Infantry

Maj. Gustavus A. Eberhart

32nd Iowa Infantry

Maj. Robert W. Fyan

24th Missouri Infantry

Capt. James M. Cockefair

3rd Indiana Infantry

Lieut. Thomas J. Ginn

3rd Indiana Infantry

Col. Risdon M. Moore

117th Illinois Infantry

Commander, 3rd Brigade

Maj. Thomas W. Morgan

49th Illinois Infantry

Lieut. Col. Jonathan Merriam

117th Illinois Infantry

Col. Edward Wehler

178th New York Infantry

Brig. Gen. T. Kirby Smith

Commander, Provisional Corps

XVII Corps

Lieut. John H. Tiemeyer

Battery M, 1st Missouri Light Artillery

Lieut. Col. Andrew W. Rogers

81st Illinois Infantry

Col. Thomas W. Humphrey

95th Illinois Infantry

Brig. Gen. William H. Emory

Commander, 1st Division & XX Corps

Lieut. Col. Joseph  Bailey

4th Wisconsin Cavalry

Acting Engineer Officer

Capt. Henry W. Closson

1st U.S. Artillery

Chief of Artillery

Itinerary of the Army Reserve

Capt. Benjamin Nields

1st Delaware Battery

Capt. William S. Hinkle

1st Indiana Heavy Artillery

Lieut. Franck E. Taylor

Battery L, 1st U.S. Artillery

Lieut. Edward L. Appleton

Battery L, 1st U.S. Artillery

Capt. George T. Hebard

1st Vermont Battery

Brig. Gen. James W. McMillan

Commander, 2nd Brigade & 1st Division

Itinerary of Division

Brig. Gen. William Dwight

Commander, 1st Brigade

Itinerary of the 1st Brigade

Col. Edwin P. Davis

153rd New York Infantry

Itinerary of the 2nd Brigade

Itinerary of the 3rd Brigade

Col. Francis Fessenden

30th Maine Infantry

Commander, 3rd Brigade

Lieut. Col. Justus W. Blanchard

162nd New York Infantry

Commander, 3rd Brigade

Lieut. Col. Thomas H. Hubbard

30th Maine Infantry

Brig. Gen. Frank S. Nickerson

Commander, 1st Brigade

Itinerary of the Brigade

Lieut. Col. William H. Dickey

84th U.S. Colored Troops

Commander, 1st Brigade

Lieut. Col. John C. Chadwick

92nd U.S. Colored Troops

Itinerary of the Cavalry Division

Department of the Gulf

Brig. Gen. Albert L. Lee

Commander, Cavalry Division

Brig. Gen. Richard Arnold

Commander, Cavalry Division

Capt. Ormand F. Nims

2nd Massachusetts Battery

Col. Thomas J. Lucas

16th Indiana Mounted Infantry

Commander, 1st Cavalry Brigade

Capt. Francis H. Whittier

30th Massachusetts Infantry

Acting Assistant Quartmaster

4th Cavalry Brigade

Capt. Elbert H. Fordham

31st Massachusetts Mounted Infantry

Col. Oliver P. Gooding

31st Massachusetts Mounted Infantry

Commander, 5th Cavalry Brigade

Capt. William Davis

18th New York Cavalry

Maj. George R. Davis

3rd Rhode Island Cavalry

Lieut. Col. Charles H. Parkhurst

3rd Rhode Island Cavalry

Lieut. Cmdr K. Randolph Breese

Capture of Steamer City Belle

Brig. Gen. Daniel Ullmann

Capture of Steamer on Red River

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