Maj. Gen. Stephen D. Lee
Born: September 22, 1833
Charleston, South Carolina
Died: May 28, 1908
Vicksburg, Mississippi

1854: Graduated West Point
1854: 2nd Lieutenant
1861: Resigned Commission
1861: Aide-de-Camp, CSA
November 1861: Major, CSA
March 1862: Lieutenant Colonel
July 9, 1862: Colonel
November 6, 1862: Brigadier General
August 3, 1863: Major General
June 23, 1864: Lieutenant General
February 23, 1865: Major General
Maj. Gen. Stephen D. Lee
Ezra J. Warner wrote "Despite his youth and comparative lack of experience, Lee's prior close acquaintanceship
with all three branches of the service – artillery, cavalry, and infantry – rendered him one of
the most capable corps commanders in the army."
1850: Entered West Point
1854: Graduated West Point - 17th out of 46 Cadets
1854: 2nd Lieutenant in 4th Infantry Regiment
September 18, 1857-February 8, 1861: Regiment's Quartermaster
1858-1861: Assigned to the Western Frontier, Kansas Territory, then Dakota Territory
Early 1861: Resigned his commission to join the Confederacy
March 6, 1861: Assigned as assistant Adjutant General and assistant Inspector General of forces located at Charleston
April 11, 1861: Aide-de-Camp to Brig. Gen. P.G.T. Beauregard
Delivered the ultimatum to Maj. Robert Anderson demanding the evacuation of Fort Sumter
May 11, 1861: Beauregard received permission to form two artillery companies, Lee was assigned to command one
May 30, 1861: Lee's artillery company was assigned to Castle Pinckney until June 1 when he was sent to Fort Palmetto
June 1861: Resumed his position in the South Carolina militia
November 1861: Promoted to Major
Commanded a light battery in Hampton's Legion in Gen. Joseph E. Johnston's army
March 1862: Promoted to Lieutenant Colonel Artillery Chief for Maj. Gen. Lafeyette McLaw's division from April to June 17
Then was in the same role for Brig. Gen. John B. Magruder until July
Peninsula Campaign
May 31-June 1, 1862: Battle of Seven Pines
June 25-July 1, 1862: Seven Days Battles
June 29, 1862: Battle of Savage's Station
Briefly served in the 4th Virginia Cavalry
July 9, 1862: Promoted to Colonel and assumed command of artillery battalion of Maj. Gen. James Longstreet Corps
August 29-30, 1862: 2nd Battle of Bull Run
September 17, 1862: Battle of Antietam
November 6, 1862: Promoted to Brigadier General
December 26-29, 1862: Battle of Chickasaw Bayou
January 1863: Led brigade in Department of Mississippi & Eastern Louisiana
May 1863: Took command of Lieut. Gen. John C. Pemberton's artillery
May 16, 1863: Battle of Champion Hill - Wounded in the shoulder
1863: Siege of Vicksburg - Became a prisoner of war. While on parole was promoted to Major General effective August 3, 1863
August 16, 1863: Assigned command of Department of Mississippi and Eastern Louisiana cavalry
June 10, 1864: Battle of Brice's Crossroads
June 23, 1864: Promoted to Lieutenant General
July 28, 1864: Battle of Ezra Church
August 5-6, 1864: Battle of Utoy Creek
August 31-Septmeber 1, 1864: Battle of Jonesborough
18 September 1864-10 January 1865: Franklin-Nashville Campaign
November 29, 1864: Battle of Spring Hill
November 30, 1864: Battle of Franklin
December 15-16, 1864: Battle of Nashville - Wounded in foot by shell fragments
February 23, 1862: Commission as Lieutenant General was cancelled, however, he was appointed Lieutenant General
April 11, 1865: Surrendered with Gen. Joseph e. Johnston at Bennett Place near Durham, North Carolina
May 1, 1865: Paroled
Boatner, Mark M. III. The Civil War Dictionary. New York: David McKay, 1967. p 477
Stephen D. Lee. 14 April 2024. web. 29 April 2024
Warner, Ezra J. Generals in Gray Lives of the Confederate Commanders. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State, 1992. p 183-184