Brig. Gen. Bradley Johnson
Born: September 28, 1829
Frederick City, Maryland
Died: October 5, 1903
Amelia, Virginia

Major: 1861
Colonel: 1861
Brig. Gen.: June 1864
Brig. Gen. Bradley Tyler Johnson
1849: Graduated Princeton
1860: Maryland Delegate to Democratic Convention in Charleston and Baltimore
1861: Organized and equipped a company at his own expense, took an active part in forming the 1st Maryland Infantry, becoming a major and later colonel
Turned down a lieutenant colonel's commission in Virginia, his obligations were to his home state and the 1st Maryland Infantry
May 1861: 500 Marylanders assemble at Harper's Ferry under Johnson's command. Formed 8 companies of 1st Maryland Infantry
17 May 1862: C Company's initial enlistment was expiring and the men wanted their discharge. Johnson having been promoted to colonel, agreed with the men, but could let the men leaved in the middle of a campaign.
22 May 1862: On the eve of the Front Royal battle, it became an open meeting. Johnson gave a speech to the men which rallied the men. The
men grabbed their weapons and cried "lead us to the enemy and we will prove to you that we are not cowards."
23 May 1862: Battle of Front Royal
25 May 1862: First Battle of Winchester
6 June 1862: Battle of Harrisonburg
25 June - 1 July 1862: Peninsula Campaign
27 June 1862: Battle of Gaines Mill
9 August 1862: Battle of Cedar Mountain
29-30 August 1862: 2nd Battle of Bull Run
Maryland Campaign
February 1864: Opposed Kilpatrick-Dalhgren raid toward Richmond
1864 Valley Campaign
30 July 1864: Burned Chambersburg, PA under Gen. Early's orders
1864: Promoted to Brigadier General
November 1864: Commandant of Prisons in Salisbury, NC
1891: Published A Memoir of the Life and Public Service of Joseph E. Johnston
1894: Published George Washington
Boatner, Mark M. III. The Civil War Dictionary. New York: David McKay, 1967. p 437
Bradley, Tyler Johnson. 27 July 2019. web. 3 January 2020.
Warner, Ezra J. Generals in Gray Lives of the Confederate Commanders. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State, 1992. p 156-157