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Battle of the Crater
Union Order of Battle

IX Corps
Maj. Gen. Ambrose Burnside

Provost Guard
8th U.S. Infantry
Capt. Milton Cogswell

1st Division
Brig. Gen. James H. Ledie

1st Brigade
Brig. Gen. William F. Bartlett (c)
Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Barnes

21st Massachusetts Infantry
Capt. William H. Clark (mw)
29th Massachusetts Infantry
Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Barnes
Capt. Willard D. Tripp
56th Massachusetts Infantry
Col. Stephen M. Weld (c)
Capt. Charles D. Lamb
59th Massachusetts Infantry
Col. Jacob P. Gould (mw)
Lieut. Col. John Hodges (k)
Capt. Ezra P. Gould
100th Pennsylvania Infantry
Maj. Thomas J. Hamilton (mw)
Capt. Walter Oliver (k)
Capt. Joseph H. Pentecost

2nd Brigade
Col. Elisha Marshall (c)
Lieut. Col. Gilbert P. Robinson

3rd Maryland Infantry (4 companies)
Lieut. Col. Gilbert P. Robinson
Capt. David J. Weaver
14th New York Heavy Artillery
Maj. Charles Chipman
179th New York Infantry (7 companies)
Maj. John Barton (k)
Capt. Albert A. Terrill
2nd Pennsylvania Provisional Heavy Artillery
Lieut. Col. Benjamin G. Barney (w)
Capt. James W. Haig

Acting Engineers

35th Massachusetts Engineers
Capt. Clifton A. Blanchard

2nd Division

Brig. Gen. Robert B. Potter

1st Brigade

Col. Zenas Bliss

36th Massachusetts Infantry

Capt. Thaddeus L. Barker

58th Massachusetts Infantry

Capt. Charles E. Churchill

2nd New York Mounted Rifles

Col. John Fisk

45th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Theodore Gregg

48th Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. Henry Pleasants

4th Rhode Island Infantry

Lieut. Col. Martin Buffum (c)

Maj. James T. P. Bucklin


2nd Brigade

Brig. Gen. Simon Goodell Griffin

31st Maine Infantry

Lieut. Col. Daniel White (c)

Capt. James Dean

32nd Maine Infantry

Capt. Joseph B. Hammond

2nd Maryland Infantry

Capt. James H. Wilson

6th New Hampshire Infantry

Capt. Samuel G. Goodwin

9th New Hampshire Infantry

Capt. John B. Cooper

11th New Hampshire Infantry

Capt. Arthur C. Locke

17th Vermont Infantry

Capt. Lyman E. Knapp


Acting Engineers


7th Rhode Island Engineers

Capt. Percy Daniels

General in Chief
Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant

Army of the Potomac
Maj. Gen. George G. Meade


Provost Guard
Brig. Gen. Marsena R. Patrick
1st Massachusetts Cavalry, Companies C & D
Capt. Charles Francis Adams, Jr.
80th New York Infantry
Col. Theodore B. Gates
3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry, Companies A, B, & M
Maj. James W. Walsh
68th Pennsylvania Infantry
Col. Andrew H. Tippin
114th Pennsylvania Infantry
Col. Charles H. T. Collis

Engineer Brigade
Brig. Gen. Henry W. Benham

Battalion U.S. Engineers
Capt. George H. Mendell

Signal Corps
Capt. Benjamin F. Fisher

Guards and Orderlies
Independent Company Oneida Cavalry (New York)
Capt. Daniel P. Mann

3rd Division
Brig. Gen. Orlando B. Willcox

1st Brigade
Brig. Gen. John F. Hartranft

8th Michigan Infantry
Maj. Horatio Belcher
27th Michigan Infantry (1st & 2nd Companies Michigan Sharpshooters attached)
Capt. Edward S. Leadbeater
109th New York Infantry
Col. Isaac S. Catlin (w)
Capt. Edwin Evans
13th Ohio Cavalry (dismounted)
Lieut. Col. Walter C. Newberry
51st Pennsylvania Infantry
Maj. Lane S. Hart
37th Wisconsin Infantry
Col. Samuel Harriman
38th Wisconsin Infantry (5 companies)
Lieut. Col. Colwert K. Pier

2nd Brigade

Col. William Humphrey

1st Michigan Sharpshooters

Col. Charles V. DeLand

2nd Michigan Infantry

Capt. Ebenezer C. Tulloch

20th Michigan Infantry

Lieut. Col. Byron M. Cutcheon

24th New York Cavalry (dismounted) Lieut. Col. Walter C. Newberry

46th New York Infantry

Capt. Alphons Servierre

60th Ohio Infantry (9th & 10th Ohio Sharpshooters attached)

Maj. Martin Avery

50th Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. Edwin Overton, Jr.


Acting Engineers


17th Michigan Engineers

Col. Constant Luce

4th Division

Brig. Gen. Edward Ferrero


1st Brigade

Lieut. Col. Joshua K. Sigfried


27th U.S. Colored Troops

Lieut. Col. Charles J. Wright

30th U.S. Colored Troops

Col. Delevan Bates

39th Colored Troops

Col. Ozora P. Stearns

43rd U.S. Colored Troops (7 companies)

Lieut. Col. H. Seymour Hall

2nd Brigade

Col. Henry Goddard Thomas


19th U.S. Colored Troops

Lieut. Col. Joseph G. Perkins

23rd U.S. Colored Troops

Col. Cleaveland J. Campbell (w)

28th U.S. Colored Troops (6 companies)

Lieut. Col. Charles S. Russell

29th U.S. Colored Troops

Lieut. Col. John A. Bross

31st U.S. Colored Troops

Lieut. Col. E. W. Ross

2nd Brigade
Col. Henry Goddard Thomas

19th U.S. Colored Troops
Lieut. Col. Joseph G. Perkins
23rd U.S. Colored Troops
Col. Cleaveland J. Campbell (w)
28th U.S. Colored Troops (6 companies)
Lieut. Col. Charles S. Russell
29th U.S. Colored Troops
Lieut. Col. John A. Bross
31st U.S. Colored Troops
Lieut. Col. E. W. Ross

Artillery Brigade
Lieut. Col. Albert Monroe

2nd Battery, Maine Light Artillery
Capt. James A. Hall
3rd Battery, Maine Light Artillery
Capt. Ezekiel R. Mayo
7th Battery, Maine Light Artillery
Capt. Adelbert B. Twitchell
11th Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery
Capt. Edward J. Jones
14th Battery, Massachusetts Light Artillery
Capt. Joseph W. B. Wright
19th Battery, New York Light Artillery
Capt. Edward W. Rogers
27th Battery, New York Light Artillery
Capt. John B. Eaton
34th Battery, New York Light Artillery
Capt. Jacob Roemer
Battery D, Pennsylvania Light Artillery
Capt. George W. Durrell
3rd Battery, Vermont Light Artillery
Capt. Romeo H. Start
Mortar Battery
Capt. Benjamin F. Smiley

Army of the James
Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler

Siege Artillery
Col. Henry L. Abbott

1st Connecticut Heavy Artillery
Col. Henry Larcom Abbot
Company A
Capt. Edward A. Gillet
Company B
Capt. Albert F. Booker
Company M
Capt. Franklin A. Pratt

Maj. Gen. Edward Ord

X Corps
(attached to XVIII Corps)

2nd Division
Brig. Gen. John Wesley Turner

1st Brigade
Col. Newton Martin Curtis

3rd New York Infantry
Capt. George W. Warren
112th New York Infantry
Lieut. Col. John F. Smith
117th New York Infantry
Lieut. Col. Rufus Daggett
142nd New York Infantry
Lieut. Col. Albert M. Barney

2nd Brigade
Lieut. Col. William B. Coan

47th New York Infantry
Capt. Charles A. Moore
48th New York Infantry
Maj. Samuel M. Swartwout (k)
Capt. Joseph Taylor
76th Pennsylvania Infantry
Maj. William S. Diller
97th Pennsylvania Infantry
Capt. Isaiah Price

3rd Brigade
Col. Louis Bell

13th Indiana Infantry (3 companies)
Lieut. Samuel M. Zent
9th Maine Infantry
Capt. Robert J. Gray
4th New Hampshire Infantry
Capt. Joseph M. Clough (w)
Capt. Frank W. Parker
115th New York Infantry
Lieut. Col. Nathan J. Johnson
169th New York Infantry
Maj. James A. Colvin


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