Battle of New Orleans
Correspondence with Mayor of New Orleans
Resolution of the Common Council of New Orleans, Agreeing to the Proposition of the Mayor Regarding Nonresistance
to the Mayor of New Orleans, Demanding the Surrender of that City
to the Mayor of New Orleans, Ordering that no Flag be displayed but that of the United States
to Flag-Officer Farragut, USN, Stating the Impossibility of Making Resistance to the Occupation of that City by the Union Forces
to the Mayor of New Orleans, Announcing the Intention to Bombard the City unless Orders Regarding the Union Flag be Respected
to the Common Council of that City, Transmitting Letter from Flag-Officer Farragut, USN
to Flag-Officer Farragut, USN, Regarding the Impossibility of Removing Women and Children from the City
to the Mayor of New Orleans Regarding Means of Communications
to the Mayor of New Orleans, Announcing his Intention to Raise the Union Flag on the Custom-house
to the Mayor of New Orleans, Declining Further Intercourse till the Arrival of Major-General Butler, USA