Chattanooga Campaign
Union Official Records 1 through 59
Abstract of Returns of the Union Forces
Organization of Forces under
Maj. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
Military Division of the Mississippi
Assistant Secretary of War
Chief Engineer
Brig. Gen. Montgomery C. Meigs
Return of Casualties of Union Forces
Commander, Army of the Cumberland
Commander, IV Corps
Medical Director
Commander, 2nd & 3rd Brigades
Commander, 2nd Brigade
96th Illinois Infantry
35th Indiana Infantry
8th Kentucky Infantry
40th Ohio Infantry
51st Ohio Infantry
99th Ohio Infantry
36th Indiana Infantry
Commander, 3rd Brigade
59th Illinois Infantry
75th Illinois Infantry
84th Illinois Infantry
9th Indiana Infantry
36th Indiana Infantry
24th Ohio Infantry
Commander, 2nd Division
88th Illinois Infantry
Commander, 1st Brigade
36th Illinois Infantry
44th Illinois Infantry
73rd Illinois Infantry
74th Illinois Infantry
Lieut. Col. George W. Chandler
88th Illinois Infantry
22nd Indiana Infantry
2nd Missouri Infantry
15th Missouri Infantry
24th Wisconsin Infantry
Commander, 2nd Brigade
97th Ohio Infantry
Commander, 2nd Brigade
100th Illinois Infantry
15th Indiana Infantry
15th Indiana Infantry
40th Indiana Infantry
57th Indiana Infantry
58th Indiana Infantry
26th Ohio Infantry
97th Ohio Infantry
65th Ohio Infantry
Commander, 3rd Brigade
125th Ohio Infantry
Commander, 1st Demi-Brigade
79th Illinois Infantry
3rd Kentucky Infantry
64th Ohio Infantry
Lieut. Col. William A. Bullitt
3rd Kentucky Infantry
Commander, 65th Ohio Infantry
125th Ohio Infantry
42nd Illinois Infantry
Commander, 2nd Demi-Brigade
22nd Illinois Infantry
27th Illinois Infantry
42nd Illinois Infantry
51st Illinois Infantry