Brig. Gen. Henry A. Wise
Born: December 3, 1806
Drummondtown, VA
Died: September 12, 1876
Richmond, VA

1825: Graduated Washington College, PA
1828: Admitted to the Bar
March 4, 1833 - March 3, 1843: House of Representatives - 8th District
March 4, 1843 - February 2, 1844: House of Representatives - 7th District of VA
Aug 10 1844 - Aug 28 1847: Minister to Brazil
1856 - 1860: Governor of Virginia
Signed the Death Warrant for John Brown
June 5, 1861: Because of political prominence, was promoted to Brig. Gen
Sept. 10, 1861: Battle of Carnifex Ferry
Due to a feud with Brig. Gen. John B. Floyd in which Floyd accused Wise for not coming to his aid at the Battle of Carnifex Ferry. He was relieved of duty after a short investigation.
Early 1862: Assigned to command the District of Roanoke Island
February 8, 1862: Battle of Roanoke Island - Fell ill and was not present for the loss. He complained bitterly about inadequate forces to defend the island properly.
Commanded a brigade during the Seven Days Battle
1862-1863: held various commands in North Carolina and Virginia
1864: Commanded a brigade in the Department of North Carolina and Virginia
His brigade was credited for saving the city at the First Battle of Petersburg
Commanded a brigade in the Army of Northern Virginia during the final stages of the Siege of Petersburg
Fought bravely at Appomattox Court House and the urged Gen Lee to surrender
Became a Republican and strong supporter of President Grant
Never seeked a pardon for his action during the war.
Boatner, Mark M. III. "The Civil War Dictionary" New York: David McKay, September 1967.
Henry A. Wise. Wikipedia. 10/19/20. web. 11/01/18
Warner, Ezra J. "General in Gray Lives of the Confederate Commanders" Baton Rouge: Louisiana State, 1992.