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1st Battle of Deep Bottom
Union Order of Battle

General in Chief

Lieut. Gen. Ulysses S. Grant

Army of the Potomac

Maj. Gen. George Meade

II Corps

Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock


1st Vermont Cavalry, Company M

Capt. Johnn H. Hazelton


1st Battalion, New York Infantry

Maj. Wesley Brainerd

Chief of Artillery

Col. John C. Tidball


1st Division

Brig. Gen. Francis C. Barlow

Brig. Gen. Nelson A. Miles


1st Brigade

Brig. Gen. Nelson A. Miles

Col. James C. Lynch


28th Massachusetts Infantry

Maj. James Flemming

26th Michigan Infantry

Capt. Lucas H. Ives

5th New Hampshire Infantry

Maj. George W. Scott

81st Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. William Wilson

140th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Thomas Henry

183rd Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. George T. Egbert

2nd New York Heavy Artillery

Maj. George Hogg


Consolidated Brigade

Col. Clinton D. MacDougall


39th New York Infantry

Capt. David A. Allen

52nd  New York Infantry

Capt. George Degener

57th New York Infantry

Capt. L. Hart Wilder

63rd New York Infantry (6 companies)

Capt. Alexander Watts

69th New York Infantry (6 companies)

Capt. Albert Gosse

88th New York Infantry

Lieut. Col. Denis F. Burke

111th New York Infantry

Capt. Marcus W. Murdock

125th New York Infantry

Capt. Nelson Penfield

126th New York Infantry

Capt. John B. Geddis


4th Brigade

Lieut. Col. Knut Oscar Broady


64th New York Infantry

Lieut. Col. William Glenny

66th New York Infantry

Capt. Nathaniel P. Lane

53rd Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Phillip H. Schreyer

145th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. James H. Hamlin

148th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Alfred A. Rhinehart

7th New York Heavy Artillery

Lieut. Col. Joseph H. Murphy

116th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. David W. Megraw


2nd Division

Maj. Gen. John Gibbon

Provost Guard

2nd Company, Minnesota Sharpshooters

Capt. Mahlon Black


1st Brigade

Lieut. Col. Francis E. Pierce


190th Maine Infantry

Capt. Joseph W. Spaulding

15th Massachusetts Infantry

Maj. Isaac Harris Hooper

19th Massachusetts Infantry

Col. Edward W. Hincks

20th Massachusetts Infantry


1st Company Massachusetts Sharpshooters

Capt. William Plumer

7th Michigan Infantry

Lieut. Col. Amos Steele

Lieut. Col. George w. LaPoint

1st Minnesota Battalion (2 companies)

Capt. James C. Farwell

59th New York Infantry

Col. William A. Olmstead

184th Pennsylvania Infantry

Col. John Hubler Stover

36th Wisconsin Infantry

Col. Harvey M. Brown


2nd Brigade

Col. Mathew Murphy


8th New York Heavy Artillery

Maj. Erastus M. Spaulding

155th New York Infantry

Maj. John Byrne

164th New York Infantry

Maj. John Beattie

170th New York Infantry

Capt. John Coonan

182nd New York Heavy Artillery

Col. Mathew Murphy


3rd Brigade

Col. Thomas A. Smyth


14th Connecticut Infantry

Capt. John C. Broatch

1st Delaware Infantry

Col. Thomas A. Smyth

10th New York (6 companies)

Col. Joseph Yeamams

108th New York Infantry

Col. Oliver H. Palmer

69th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. Patrick S. Tinen

106th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. John B. Breitenbach

7th West Virginia

Col. Joseph Snider

3rd Division

Brig. Gen. Gershom Mott


1st Brigade

Brig. Gen. Regis de Trobriand


20th Indiana Infantry

Col. John van Valkenburg

17th Maine Infantry

Maj. Erasmus C. Gelbreath

40th New York Infantry

Capt. Madison M. Cannon

73rd New York Infantry

Lieut. Col. Michael W. Burns

86th New York Infantry

Col. Nathan H. Vincent

124th New York Infantry

Col. Charles H. Weygant

99th Pennsylvania Infantry

Col. Edwin Ruthwin Biles

110th Pennsylvania Infantry

Col. William D. Lewis, Jr.

2nd U.S. Sharpshooters

Col. Jomer R. Stoventon

4th New York Heavy Artillery (5 companies)

Maj. Frank Williams


2nd Brigade

Col. Daniel Chaplin

Col. Henry J. Madill


5th Michigan Infantry

Col. John Pulford

93rd New York Infantry

Maj. Samuel McConihe

57th Pennsylvania Infantry

Lieut. Col. William B. Neeper

63rd Pennsylvania Infantry

Col. John A. Danks

105th Pennsylvania Infantry

Capt. John C. Conser

141st Pennsylvania Infantry

Col. Henry J. Madill

1st U.S. Sharpshooters

Capt. John Wilson

1st Massachusetts Heavy Artillery

Maj. Nathaniel Shatswell

1st Maine Heavy Artillery

Lieut. Col. Thomas H. Talbot


3rd Brigade

Col. Robert McAllister


5th New Jersey Infantry

Capt. Thomas C. Godfrey

7th New Jersey Infantry

Capt. Thomas C. Thompson

8th New Jersey Infantry

Maj. Virgil M. Healy

11th New Jersey Infantry

Col. Robert McAllister

Lieut. Col. John Schoonover


4th Brigade

Col. William R. Brewster


11th Massachusetts Infantry (5 companies)

Col. William Blaisdell

84th New York Infantry

Lieut. Col. George Zinn


Artillery Brigade

Maj. John G. Hazard


6th Maine Light Artillery

Capt. Edwin B. Dow

10th Battery, Massachusetts Light

Capt. Henry J. Sleeper

1st Battery, New Hampshire Light

Capt. Frederick M. Edgell

Battery B, 1st New Jersey Light

Capt. A. Judson Clark

3rd Battery, New Jersey Light

Capt. Christian Woerner

4th New York Heavy Battery

Capt. John B. Vande Wieler

Battery G, 1st New York Light

Capt. Nelson Ames

11th Battery, New York Light

Capt. John E. Burton

12th Battery, New York Light

Capt. George F. McKnight

Battery F, 1st Pennsylvania Light

Capt. R. Bruce Ricketts

Battery A, 1st Rhode Island Light

Capt. Thomas Frederick Brown

Battery K, 4th U.S. Capt. John W. Order

Battery C, 5th U.S.

Capt. Dunbar R. Ransom

Battery I, 5th U.S.

Lieut. Malbone F. Watson

Cavalry Corps

Maj. Gen. Philip Sheridan


1st Division

Brig. Gen. Alfred T. A. Torbert


1st Brigade

Brig. Gen. George A. Custer


5th Michigan Cavalry

Col. Joseph T. Copeland


2nd Brigade

Col. Thomas C. Devin


4th New York Cavalry


6th New York Cavalry

Col. Thomas Devin

9th New York Cavalry

Col. George S. Nichols

17th Pennsylvania Cavalry


2nd U.S. Artillery, Batteries B and L



Reserve Brigade

Brig. Gen. Wesley Merritt


1st U.S. Cavalry


2nd U.S. Cavalry


2nd U.S. Artillery, Battery D



2nd Cavalry Division

Brig. Gen. David McMurtrie Gregg


1st Brigade

Brig. Gen. Henry Eugene Davies


1st Massachusetts Cavalry

Lieut. Col. Samuel E. Chamberlain

1st New Jersey Cavalry


10th New York Cavalry

Col. William Irvine

6th Ohio Cavalry

Col. William Stedman

1st Pennsylvania Cavalry



2nd Brigade

Col. John Irvin Gregg


1st Maine Cavalry


2nd Pennsylvania Cavalry

Col. Richard B. Price

8th Pennsylvania Cavalry

Brevet Col. Samuel Wilson

13th Pennsylvania Cavalry

Col. Michael Kerwin

16th Pennsylvania Cavalry

Col. John Irvin Gregg



Army of the James

Maj. Gen. Benjamin F. Butler

X Corps


1st Division


3rd Brigade

Brig. Gen. Robert Sanford Foster


10th Connecticut Infantry

Col. John L. Otis

11th Maine Infantry

Maj. Jonathan A. Hill

1st Maryland Cavalry (dismounted)


24th Massachusetts Infantry

Col. Francis A. Osborn

100th New York Infantry



XIX Corps


2nd Division


1st Brigade

Brig. Gen. Henry Warner Birge


9th Connecticut Infantry


12th Maine Infantry

Lieut. Col. William K. Kimball

26th Massachusetts Infantry

Col. Edward F. Jones

14th New Hampshire Infantry


75th New York Infantry





Cavalry Division

Brig. Gen. August Kautz


1st Brigade

Col. Robert M. West


3rd New York Cavalry

Capt. John M. Wilson

5th Pennsylvania Cavalry (detachment)

Col. Robert M. West


2nd Brigade

Col. Samuel P. Spear


1st District of Columbia Cavalry

Maj. J. Stannard Baker

11th Pennsylvania Cavalry (detachment)

Col. Samuel P. Spear




4th Massachusetts Cavalry, Company F

Lieut. Col. Horatio Tenkin, Jr.

4th Massachusetts Cavalry, Company G

Lieut. Col. Horatio Tenkin

1st New York Mounted Rifles





4th Wisconsin Battery (1st Section)

Capt. George B. Easterly

4th Wisconsin Battery (2nd Section)

Lieut. William P. Powers



Naval Forces


USS Mendota

Commander Edward T. Nichols

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